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night vision system中文是什么意思

用"night vision system"造句"night vision system"怎么读"night vision system" in a sentence


  • 夜视系统


  • In this dissertation a new double - channel color night vision system project is designed
  • The dissertation focuses on designing a real - time image processor of the night vision system
  • Based on the feature of iii - gen image intensifier , the dissertation raises the double - channel color night vision system project combinated with ii - gen image intensifier
  • Liaoyang trither instruments co . , ltd was co - funded by trither co . , ltd china is mainly focusing on the research , development , manufacture and marketing of auto safety electro series , depending on the edge cutting technology and solid capital foundation of the group , we developed the most advanced night vision system - night eye i type nvs auto dimming rear view safety mirror with compass , temperature display and anti - collision radar for car baking , it detects glare and automatically dims to preserve driver vision and make nighttime driving safer . the brighter the glare , the darker the
用"night vision system"造句  


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